1986-1991 Camaro and Firebird Pull down Striker Sensing Switch

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1986-91 Chevy Camaro and Pontiac Firebird. Reconditioned Striker Sensing Switch for Hatch Pull Down Unit.

Reconditioned Striker Switch wiring harness assembly, cleaned, new diode, wrapped, tested for proper operation

1986-87 Camaro and Firebird, all models.
1988-90 Camaro and Firebird, all models.
1991 Camaro and Firebird all models with all metal type Pull Down. (Will not work for this type Pull down.)

GM discontinued part. Not available as new GM.
Includes warranty.

This part has a refundable core charge of $75.00. (What is a core?)

Purchase information:

With Core Return:
Item price $219.95 + refundable Core deposit. (Core deposit added when Model Year, Core return, option is selected above)
Includes prepaid core return shipping within the USA.


Purchase outright with no Core return:
Item price $219.95 + core fee. (Core fee added when Model Year, Core return, option is selected above)

When purchasing select model year and select either:

  1. I WILL return my Core later for a refund. [Easy and free core return - Your order will include a prepaid core return shipping label (USA only), return shipping container, and instructions.]
  2. Or, I will NOT return my Core later for a refund.


Easy checkout, fast shipping!

90 day Limited Warranty. Condition: Reconditioned. GM discontinued part. Not available as new GM.


  • 5
    Hard part to find!

    Posted by Koby M. on 29th Sep 2020

    Fast shipping. It as described. Core refund processed fast with no hassles.